

We provide independent heritage advice based on professional experience. Our passion and interest in understanding, preserving and enhancing the quality of the historic environment is our driving force in all of our work.

Forum Heritage Services has undertaken a wide range of projects nationally since its inception in 2002. A key feature of our work is our focus on delivering projects which produce results, and documents that provide practical assistance for management and decision-making. Our range of skills and approach means that we do not simply record and understand sites or areas, but use the understanding to assess and describe significance. We can then provide guidance on the capacity for change and appropriate design solutions. We work in partnership (with owners, architects, engineers, planning consultants, project managers, statutory decision-makers and others), communicating with all parties involved to achieve a successful outcome to our projects.



Planning and Historic Buildings

Advice on repair, alteration or conversion of listed buildings, non-designated heritage assets (locally listed buildings or buildings of local interest) and buildings in conservation areas and the preparation of heritage statement to fulfil planning and listed building consent application requirements including Assessments of Significance and Impact Assessments.


Fire Damage

When a building has been damaged by fire it is essential to obtain conservation advice as soon as possible to record the surviving fabric and assess its significance. This knowledge can help inform the approach to the repair and reconstruction and will potentially save time and money.


Characterisation Projects

Production of clear, concise and understandable evidence-based historic character analysis (on both a large and small scale) for local authorities and private project applications, such as tall buildings strategy, background information to appeals, and production of key policy documents. We have extensive experience of farmstead characterisation projects and application.


Conservation Area Appraisals

Preparation of conservation area appraisals to support designation or extension, to inform development proposals or as part of a characterisation exercise.


Conservation Management Plans

Preparation of Conservation Management Plans for historic sites in accordance with the requirements of Historic England and other grant giving bodies such as The Heritage Lottery Fund.


Urban Design & Development

Urban design frameworks.
Detailed site analysis and preparation of strategies for regeneration of small or large complex sites in sensitive urban or rural locations.


Building At Risk Surveys

Single buildings or area/borough/district-wide condition surveys to identify Buildings at Risk.